Offizielle Immergut-Grafik 2025

info tickets

immergutrocken e.V.

The 25th Immergut Festival will take place from 29 to 31 May 2025 in Neustrelitz. Thank you to all supporters who bought a festival ticket in the summer - this gives us planning security and a lot of joy to keep going.

On 6 December 2024 at 6 pm we will start the pre-sale of the first ticket level.

0. level I festival ticket for supporters for 115€ incl. 10€ for camping, parking, shuttle train & booking fees + 5€ rubbish deposit (sold out)

1st level | festival ticket (early bird) for 125€ incl. 10€ for camping, parking, shuttle train & booking fees + 5€ rubbish deposit (sold out)

2nd level | festival ticket (normal price) for 140€ incl. 10€ for camping, parking, shuttle train & booking fees + 5€ rubbish deposit (sold out)

3rd level | festival ticket (spontaneous bookers) for 150€ incl. 10€ for camping, parking, shuttle train & booking fees + 5€ rubbish deposit

Newsletter Registration

Lemonaid - LogoStadtwerke Neustrelitz - LogoVercel logoneuwo - LogoLübzer - Logo
Media Partners
DIFFUS - - LogoFluxFM - Logotaz - LogoRausgegangenLogo Picky Magazin
Supported by
Initiative Musik - LogoStaatsministerium für Kultur und Medien - LogoEuropean Talent Exchange - LogoLogo der Deutschen Stiftung für Engagement und Ehrenamt

Immergut Festival / Am Bürgerseeweg 28 / 17235 Neustrelitz
The Immergutrocken e.V. as the organizer reserves the right to make changes to the program. The house rules as shown on the notice apply on the event area.

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5/29 - 5/31/2025 ... noch 61 Tage!